A Voice for the Voiceless: Peer-to-peer Mobile Phone Networks for a Community Radio Service

Published By: IIMA on eSS | Published Date: May, 19 , 2011

A new application for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) – community radio is proposed. How MANETS help overcome important limitations in how community radio is currently operationalized is shown here. A critical design elements for a MANET based community radio service is identified and a broad architecture for the same is proposed. A most critical issue– the choice of the network wide broadcast protocol for the audio content is investigated. [WP No. 2011-05-02]. URL:[http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/assets/snippets/workingpaperpdf/15380481872011-05-02.pdf].

Author(s): Ankur Sarin, Kavitha Ranganathan | Posted on: Jul 19, 2011 | Views(962) | Download (126)

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