Understanding Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia
Published By: ADBI on eSS | Published Date: June, 04 , 2011The authors recount East Asia's experience with foreign direct investment (FDI). They document that, contrary to the Rybczynski theorem, capital flows in the region cause the host country's labor-intensive industry to expand and its capital-intensive industry to decline. They also present narrative evidence that sheds light on how FDI is affected by the host's country's locational advantages, whether Asian FDI is footloose, and how the PRC has become the center of Factory Asia. Finally, they show that the evolution of production networks in the region can be explained partly by changes in the service cost of linking geographically separated production blocks relative to the cost saving arising from slicing up the value chain. [ADBI Working Paper No. 290] URL: [http://www.adbi.org/files/2011.06.23.wp290.foreign.direct.investment.east.asia.pdf]
Author(s): Willem Thorbecke, Nimesh Salike | Posted on: Jul 04, 2011 | Views(924) | Download (326)