Poverty Reduction Strategy as Implementation of the Right to Development in Maharashtra
Published By: IGDIR on eSS | Published Date: February, 20 , 2005The basic concern of the development process started after the world wars was
improvement in level of living of the people. This concern was expressed in aggregative
terms of national income growth and subsequently in distributive terms as well by looking
into gains from the aggregate growth process by various sections of the people, specially
the poor in low-income countries. The development literature by and large did not take a
rights perspective till recently. The human rights movement, which too saw a take-off after
the world wars, aimed at promoting freedom and dignity of all individuals from civil and
political rights perspective. [PP-053] URL: [http://www.igidr.ac.in/pdf/publication/PP-053.pdf]
Author(s): Srijit Mishra, Manoj Panda | Posted on: Jun 20, 2011 | Views(956) | Download (185)