Popular Expectations of Government: Findings from Three Areas in Bangladesh
Published By: CPRC on eSS | Published Date: February, 15 , 2006This paper presents findings from research into expectations of government, based on
focus group discussion sessions with over 100 poor and very poor people in rural and
urban Bangladesh. The research was designed to help improve our understanding of the
political constraints shaping public policy with respect to poverty. In particular it aimed
to understand the following: if, as is commonly asserted, the interests of the poorest do
not make it onto the public policy agenda, why do the poor appear to tolerate this relative
neglect? What is the least a government must do for the poorest in order to retain the
level of cooperation and legitimacy necessary for it to function? In brief, what do the
poor and the very poor expect from their government?
The risks and difficulties of conducting research of this kind were addressed through a
careful process of testing research tools detailed in the report. The team finally developed
a semi-structured discussion guideline that incorporated participatory discussion tools.
Even then, the analysis of the research findings is cautious and tentative. [PRCPB Working Paper No. 13] URL: [http://www.chronicpoverty.org/uploads/publication_files/PRCPB_WP_13.pdf]
Author(s): Naomi Hossain, Tariq Ali | Posted on: Jun 15, 2011 | Views(722) | Download (134)