Escaping Violence, Seeking Freedom: Why Children in Bangladesh Migrate to The Street

Published By: CPRC on eSS | Published Date: February, 14 , 2006

In Bangladesh, as in many developing countries, there is a widespread belief amongst the public, policymakers and social workers that children ‘abandon’ their families and migrate to the street because of economic poverty. This dominant narrative posits that children whose basic material needs cannot be met within the household move to the street. It ignores and avoids the growing evidence that this is not the case. This paper explores this argument through the analysis of detailed empirical research with children in Bangladesh. It finds that social factors lie behind most street migration and, in particular, that moves to the street are closely associated with violence to, and abuse of, children within the household and local community. [PRCPB Working Paper No. 10] URL: []

Author(s): David Hulme, Alessandro Conticini | Posted on: Jun 14, 2011 | Views(1169) | Download (108)

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