Efficiency Spillovers from FDI in the Indian Machinery Industry: A Firm Level Study Using Panel Data Models
Published By: FGKS on eSS | Published Date: June, 04 , 2011Adopting a micro-level framework of impact of FDI in an industry, this study empirically
examines the following three issues in the context of Indian machinery industry (IMI) -
division 28 of National Industrial Classification, 2008. First of all, it compares the
technical efficiency of foreign affiliates of multinational enterprises (FAs) against the
domestic firms (DFs) to know if there are spillovers from MNEs to their affiliates.
Secondly, it identifies the differences in the determinants of technical efficiency between
FAs and DFs. Finally, it examines the presence (or absence) of efficiency spillovers from
FAs to DFs in terms of its two major sources: competition effect and demonstration and
imitation effect. To examine these issues, the firm- and year-specific
technical efficiency is computed by estimating a stochastic frontier production function with the help
of an unbalanced panel of data on a sample of 177 firms for 7 years covering FY 2000/01
to FY 2006/07. Thereafter, the random-effect panel data models of the
determinants of firm-level technical efficiency is estmated. URL: [http://fgks.in/IndexServer/tifac/article/139.pdf].
Author(s): Pradeep Kumar Keshari | Posted on: Jun 14, 2011 | Views(1081) | Download (1404)