A Human Development Approach to the Status of Development in North East India
Published By: NEHU on eSS | Published Date: June, 13 , 2011The development and growth of a nation greatly depends upon proper utilization of its
human resources. To utilize these resources, there is a need to convert human beings into human
resources. Since the basic objective of development of a nation is to improve the welfare of the
people, every nation strives hard not only to increase her wealth and productive resources but
also to ensure better standard of living of her citizens by providing them with adequate food,
clothing, house, medical facilities, education, etc. However, technical considerations of the
means to achieve human development and the use of statistical aggregates to measure national
income and its growth have at times obscured the fact that the primary objective of development
is to benefit people. National income figures, though useful for many purposes, neither reveal its
composition nor its real beneficiaries. URL: [http://www.freewebs.com/nehu_economics-a/human_dev.pdf]
Author(s): P. Nayak | Posted on: Jun 13, 2011 | Views(792) | Download (218)