Agriculture’s Role in the Indian Enigma: Help or Hindrance to the Undernutrition Crisis?

Published By: IFPRI on eSS | Published Date: May, 27 , 2011

In recent decades India has achieved one of the fastest economic growth rates in the world, yet its progress against both child and adult undernutrition has been sluggish at best. While this Indian variant of the so-called Asian enigma presents many puzzles, one of the puzzles pertains to agriculture’s role. In this paper agriculture’s role in the Indian enigma has been reassessed by exploring two key pathways, an income– consumption pathway and an employment–time use pathway, linking agricultural conditions to nutrition outcomes. [IFPRI Discussion Paper 01085]

Author(s): Derek Headey, Alice Chiu, Suneetha Kadiyala | Posted on: May 27, 2011 | Views(1179) | Download (105)

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