Youth and Globalisation

Published By: RGNIYD on eSS | Published Date: September, 23 , 2005

This paper presents the proceedings of the workshop on Youth and Globalisation, jointly organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Youth Development, and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. There were deliberations of various themes like Eminent academicians, youth experts, representatives from the Corporate Sector and NGOs/CBOs presented their views and emerged with several recommendations.This report will be of use to policy makers, academicians and others working for youth development. URL: []

Author(s): Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development | Posted on: May 20, 2011 | Views(806) | Download (171)

Member comments

This report is rich and reflects the challenges that the youth face in the current millennium.Whether in Asia or in Africa,the challenges need a multifaceted approach to help youth get out of poverty.
by cornel ogutu, on Jan 13, 2012

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