Are Private Defensive Expenditures against Storm Damages Affected by Public Programs and Natural Barriers? Evidence from the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh
Published By: SANDEE on eSS | Published Date: November, 01 , 2010This paper introduces a theoretical model combining household production with an endogenous
risk framework in order to understand how ex-ante private spending by coastal households
would evolve against ex-post cyclone induced storm surge damage risk given the level of
government protective spending and the presence of a mangrove forest. The theoretical model
confirms the influence of public protection programs and the mangrove forest on private defensive
expenditures depending on whether the public programs serve as a possible stochastic substitute
or a stochastic complement to the storm protection provided by the mangroves. [SANDEE Working Paper No. 54-10] URL: []
Author(s): Sakib Mahmud, Edward B. Barbier | Posted on: Apr 01, 2011 | Views(835) | Download (100)