A ‘Lawless Law’: Detentions under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act

Published By: AI on eSS | Published Date: March, 21 , 2011

Hundreds of people are locked up on spurious grounds under the Public Safety Act in Jammu and Kashmir every year. This report exposes a catalogue of human rights violations associated with the use of administrative detention under the Public Safety Act. It highlights how these run counter to India's obligations under international human rights law. If India is serious about meeting these obligations, then it must ensure that the Public Safety Act is repealed and that detainees are released immediately or tried in a court of law. [ The report may not be reproduced other than for advocacy and teaching] ASA 20/001/2011 http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/report/jammu-and-kashmir-hundreds-held-each-year-without-charge-or-trial-2011-03-21

Author(s): Amnesty International AI, | Posted on: Mar 21, 2011 | Views(1175) | Download (819)

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