Role of Critical Infrastructure and Incentives in the Commercialisation of Biotechnology in India: An Analysis
Published By: GIDR on eSS | Published Date: November, 18 , 2008Commercialization is a process by which the new knowledge is converted to products and
services of commercial value. The model for commercialization of biotechnology is not a
linear one. Due to emerging status of knowledge and involvement of biological systems legal
and ethical challenges also arise and make the commercialization process longer, costlier and
risky. Despite these entry barriers, they find many countries have appreciated the potential of
biotechnology to produce useful and safer products and services in many areas of human
activity and have invested and reaped fruits in terms of successful products in the market. [Working Paper No. 188] URL: []
Author(s): S. Visalakshi | Posted on: Mar 18, 2011 | Views(801) | Download (109)