Are Emerging Stock Markets Sideshows? Some Stylised Facts from an Emerging Economy, India
Published By: MSE on eSS | Published Date: September, 18 , 2007The article addresses one of the most important policy questions: what
role do emerging stock markets play in influencing real decisions such as
corporate private investment? In this article we present some stylised
ficts about the relationship between the stock market and corporate
investment through a case study of an emerging economy, India. The
results indicate that the Indian stock market seems to be a sideshow in
providing price signals to Indian managers and investment decisions are
predominantly determined by a firm’s fundamentals. However, stock plays
a very important role as a source of finance for the Indian firms. [Working Paper No. 24/2007] URL: []
Author(s): Saumitra N Bhaduri | Posted on: Mar 18, 2011 | Views(910) | Download (104)