Fuel Demand Elasticities for Energy and Environmental Policies Indian Sample Survey Evidence

Published By: MSE on eSS | Published Date: June, 14 , 2006

India has been running large-scale interventions in the energy sector over the last decades. Still, there is a dearth of reliable and readily available price and income elasticities of demand to base these on, especially for domestic use of traditional fuels. This study uses the linear approximate almost ideal demand system (LA-AIDS) using micro data of more than 100,000 households sampled across India. [Working Paper No. 9] URL: [http://www.mse.ac.in/pub/Working%20Paper%209%20PDF.pdf]

Author(s): Haripriya Gundimeda, Gunnar Kohlin | Posted on: Mar 14, 2011 | Views(965) | Download (121)

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