e-development? Development and the New Economy

Published By: UNU-WIDER on eSS | Published Date: December, 10 , 2003

The world economy has recently changed. A new world economy has emerged over the last decade as two long-run broad trends, globalization and advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have converged. This ‘new economy’ is significantly different to the ‘old economy’, as knowledge has replaced traditional productivity inputs, such as labour and natural resources, as the primary ingredient for economic growth. A new landscape exists and countries must adapt their approaches and policies for development to achieve progress in the future. [Policy Brief No. 7] URL: [http://www.wider.unu.edu/publications/policy-briefs/en_GB/pb7/]

Author(s): Matthew Clarke | Posted on: Mar 10, 2011 | Views(869) | Download (153)

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