Private Sector in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme: A Study of the Implementation of Private-public Stragegy in Tamil Nadu and Kerala (India)
Published By: HEFP on eSS | Published Date: March, 09 , 2005During the past one decade, the concept of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has gained much prominence in healthcare sector in India. The foremost objective of such partnerships has been to improve the accessibility and quality of health care at relatively low costs. To control the spread of Tuberculosis (TB), the World Health Organisation (WHO) has promoted the strategy of Directly Observed Treatment, Short course (DOTS). [HEFP Working Paper 03/05] URL: []
Author(s): Stephen Jan, Sonia Andrews, Bhuvaneswari Rajaraman, Muraleedharan VR | Posted on: Mar 09, 2011 | Views(755) | Download (305)