Targeting Subsidies for Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (ITNs): A Conceptual Framework, Experience from other Sectors and Lessons for ITNs

Published By: HEFP on eSS | Published Date: March, 07 , 2003

A number of interventions for preventing and treating malaria have now been shown through a combination of clinical trials and economic analysis to be highly cost-effective (Goodman, Coleman et al. 1999; Goodman, Coleman et al. 2000). The attention of national governments, together with their donor partners working through the Roll-Back Malaria Initiative, is now focused on how to achieve high levels of coverage of key interventions. In the context of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs), this raises a number of challenges. [HEFP working paper 02/03, LSHTM, 2003] URL: []

Author(s): Eve Worrall, Kara Hanson, Virginia Wiseman | Posted on: Mar 07, 2011 | Views(787) | Download (92)

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