Economic Liberalization and Indian Economic Growth: What's the evidence?
Published By: BREAD on eSS | Published Date: May, 21 , 2010By the end of the 1970’s, India had acquired a reputation as one of the most protected and
heavily regulated economies in the world. Starting in the mid-1970s and then later on in
the 1980s, a few tentative steps were taken to liberalize the regulatory regime. In 1991,
more extensive reforms followed. Since then there have been further policy changes in
diverse sectors all aimed at opening up the economy to greater private sector
entrepreneurship as well as to foreign trade and investment. [BREAD Working Paper No. 294] URL: []
Author(s): Bharat Ramaswami, Ashok Kotwal, Wilima Wadhwa | Posted on: Feb 21, 2011 | Views(807) | Download (162)