Experiences of Contracting Health Services: an Overview of the Literature
Published By: HEFP on eSS | Published Date: February, 18 , 1998Recent health policy debates in both developed and developing countries have been strongly
influenced by a trend towards ‘marketisation’, involving the selective introduction of a range of
market mechanisms within the public health system (Hurst 1991, Saltman and von Otter 1995a,
Mills 1995, Saltman 1995, McPake and Ngalande Banda 1994, World Bank 1993, OECD 1992,
Mills 1997). [HEFP working paper 01/98] URL: [http://www.hefp.lshtm.ac.uk/publications/downloads/working_papers/01_98.pdf]
Author(s): Anne Mills, Jonathan Broomberg | Posted on: Feb 18, 2011 | Views(893) | Download (74)