India's Low Carbon Inclusive Growth Strategy
Published By: MSE on eSS | Published Date: December, 28 , 2010India’s low carbon inclusive growth strategy is framed in the context of
multiple goals and its national circumstances. In many cases, cobenefits
such as energy security, universal access to clean energy at affordable
prices, decentralized development, employment generation and
improvements in local environmental quality are important. Therefore,
the weights for GHG emissions reductions and other goals vary from
sector to sector and sometimes among schemes within a sector. For this
reason India has opted for bottomup /sectoral / programmeoriented
policies rather than economywide GHG emissions reduction policies such
as carbon taxation or cap and trade system. India has taken initiatives to
enhance energy efficiency in thermal power plants, promote nuclear
power and renewable energy and tap energy savings potentials in a few
sectors. However, there is heavy reliance on technology development,
regulation and subsidies than on use of economic instruments. This
paper examines the present policies in the light of the inclusive growth
objective and financial and environmental sustainability.
MSE WP 56/2010
Author(s): U. Sankar | Posted on: Jan 28, 2011 | Views(1210) | Download (251)