The Experience of a Low Cost Diagnostic Centre (RAHAT NIDAN KENDRA ): Basic Diagnostic Services in Radiology and Pathology
Published By: mfc on eSS | Published Date: January, 05 , 2011The presentation sensitizes service givers in Voluntary Organizations (VOs) that it is possible to be financially viable if you provide services at 50% the market rates (in diagnostics) even if Consultants are paid as per market rate and the technicians are paid 25-50 per cent higher
than the rate prevalent in private patho lab or in an X-Ray center. Also, it presents the experience of the presenters so that more VOs are motivated to provide such services at
low costs to the end user in health services.
Author(s): Nimitta Bhatt, Ashvin Patel | Posted on: Jan 05, 2011 | Views(1381) | Download (25053)