Assessing Change in Women’s Lives: A Conceptual Framework
Published By: BRAC on eSS | Published Date: March, 30 , 1995In 1992, BRAC extended its comprehensive Rural Development Programme (RDP) to 100 villages of
Matlab thana (sub-district) where the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
(ICDDR,B) has been involved in demographic surveillance and health interventions since the early 1960s.
The availability of comprehensive ICDDR,B baseline data on the population of Matlab thana presents a
unique opportunity to investigate possible linkages between socioeconomic development and changes in
human initiated a collaborative research project. [Working Paper Number: 2]
Author(s): Simeen Mahmud, Marty Chen | Posted on: Dec 30, 2010 | Views(753) | Download (98)