Exploring Changes in the Lives of BRAC Women: A Gender Perspective
Published By: BRAC on eSS | Published Date: September, 23 , 2001In Bangladesh, patriarchal norms, ideology and social institutions shape women's role and
status in the society. Within this patriarchal system, some forces like NGOs may affect the
relationship between men and women with respect to prestige, power and control, by
enhancing or lowering the status of women in different spheres and locations. Existing
studies indicate that BRAC's interventions have rendered substantial changes in women's
lives in terms of facilitating their material, perceptual and relational pathways to
empowerment, both at the individual and at the family level. [Working Paper No. 32]
Author(s): Amina Mahbub | Posted on: Dec 23, 2010 | Views(935) | Download (235)