Gender, Work and Organizational Culture: A Southeast Asian Experience

Published By: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | Published Date: January, 01 , 2005

Organizations operate in the social milieu and therefore the socio-cultural factors greatly influence the organizational culture. The Asian societies are patriarchal in nature that gives superior position to a man as compared to a woman. This social role perception (sex role stereotype) seemed to have a bearing on the structural role of men and women in organizations. The present study aimed at examining the impact of social role on organizational culture and managerial work behaviour. The study was conducted in Southeast Asian countries. Hundred twenty-nine male and seventy-six female managers from India, Bangla Desh, Nepal, SriLanka and Korea participated in the study. The overall findings indicated the spill over of socio-cultural values into organizational situations. The managerial behaviour seemed to be culturally influenced. Interestingly, the respondents did not perceive women managers as less competent. Therefore, the results hinted a need for corporate wide mindset change for breaking the glass ceiling at the perceptual and attitudinal level first so that things are different and bright at the functional level

Author(s): Sunita Singh-Sengupta | Posted on: Jan 13, 2006 | Views(3054) | Download (1453)

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