Integration of the Ultra Poor into Mainstream Development: How Effective is CFPR?
Published By: | Published Date: December, 16 , 2010This paper aimed to understand the dynamics of participation of the TUP (Targeting the Ultra Poor)
members of CFPR (Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction) phase I in the financial market since
their graduation from the CFPR programme. The analysis was done using the longitudinal panel data
(2002, 2005 and 2008). It has been found that after two years of programme support and provision of
some flexibilities in borrowing from BRAC microfinance, the ultra poor can meaningfully participate in the
formal credit markets. [CFPR Working Paper No. 21]
Author(s): Narayan C Das, Raniya Shams, Sharif Mahmud | Posted on: Dec 16, 2010 | Views(962) | Download (112)