Low birth weight in offspring of women with depressive and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy: results from a population based study in Bangladesh
Published By: BRAC on eSS | Published Date: September, 09 , 2010There is a high prevalence of antepartum depression and low birth weight (LBW) in Bangladesh. In
high- and low-income countries, prior evidence linking maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms with infant LBW
is conflicting. There is no research on the association between maternal mental disorders and LBW in Bangladesh.
This study aims to investigate the independent effect of maternal antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms
on infant LBW among women in a rural district of Bangladesh.
Author(s): Hashima E Nasreen, Zarina Nahar Kabir, Yvonne Forsell, Maigun Edhborg | Posted on: Dec 14, 2010 | Views(954) | Download (107)