At Different Speeds: Policy Complementarities and the Recovery from the Asian Crisis

Published By: ADBI on eSS | Published Date: July, 09 , 2009

This paper begins with a short review and discussion of the literature on policy complementarities and their implications in terms of (sustainable) growth strategies and the possible emergence of a new policymaking paradigm. Then, it provides a descriptive analysis of the effect on economic growth of complementarities in structural policies in the specific context of the post-Asian crisis recovery. The study resulted in the computation of a reform-level indicator and of a complementarity indicator RC for the economies most affected by the Asian crisis—Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. [ADB Institute Research Paper Series No. 74]

Author(s): Bruno Rocha | Posted on: Dec 09, 2010 | Views(949) | Download (555)

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