Consumer Preferences for Water Supply? An Application of Choice Models to Urban India

Published By: | Published Date: December, 08 , 2001

This paper examines consumer preferences for the attributes of alternative sources of water supply in Chennai, based on a household survey where respondents were given the description of a set of options. Their decision to choose one of the options is examined using discrete choice models. Whether consumer preferences are hierarchical or lexicographic is also briefly examined. Access to a yard tap is considered to be a more important attribute than water quantity, quality and the provider (the private sector or public sector). In general, the estimated willingness to pay is substantially highe rthan the present monthly water expenditures. [DiscussionPaperNo.2001/145]

Author(s): P. B. Anand | Posted on: Dec 08, 2010 | Views(804) | Download (658)

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