Financial Turmoil in the Banking Sector and the Asian Lamfalussy Process: The Case of Four Economies

Published By: | Published Date: November, 03 , 2010

This paper investigates the prevailing financial regulatory structures and impact of the current financial turmoil on banking performance in four Asian economies: the People's Republic of China (PRC); Hong Kong, China; Singapore; and Taipei,China. Both the PRC and Hong Kong, China operate under a fragmented financial regulatory structure, while Singapore and Taipei,China have integrated structures. We examine the role of an integrated financial regulatory structure in helping financial institutions mitigate the impact of the financial crisis, using financial indicators of banks’ capital structure and operating performance in these four economies between 2003 and 2008. [ADBI Working Paper 221]

Author(s): Chen-Min Hsu, Chih-Feng Liao | Posted on: Nov 03, 2010 | Views(902) | Download (644)

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