Human Capital, Labour Productivity and Employment
Published By: IASSI and Knowledge Forum on eSS | Published Date: October, 30 , 2010This paper analyses the importance of human capital in determining the inter-state differences in
labour productivity and its growth in India. The paper also examines the impact of human capital
differences on the growth of employment for a cross section of Indian states for the period 2003-
2007. It argues that the current technology is human capital and knowledge intensive and cannot
be used in the absence of skill development. Due to the presence of skill bias in the new
technology, persons with less education would become victims. The panel model results of
Generalised Least Squares using cross section weights show that after controlling for other
determinants, variables representing human capital emerge significant determinants of
productivity. Furthermore, higher enrolments in high schools not only contribute to higher labour
productivity but also to higher growth in productivity. In addition, states that have higher high
school enrolment rates have been enjoying higher growth rates of employment. On the whole the
results presented show strong skill bias in productivity and employment growths across states.
Author(s): Savita Bhat, N S Siddharthan | Posted on: Nov 01, 2010 | Views(1004) | Download (1158)