Outsourcing Versus Foreign Direct Investment: A Welfare Analysis
Published By: CDE on eSS | Published Date: September, 11 , 2005Foreign direct investment may not necessarily be the most welfare enhancing form of
international investment. The host country may avail options like – Joint venture,
technology licensing, franchising, outsourcing etc. A host country’s choice of
organizational form should depend on its growth and welfare effects. This paper
compares the welfare effects of FDI with that of outsourcing in the host country using
Grossman-Helpman quality ladders framework. If the host absorptive capacity is above
a threshold level, outsourcing is more welfare enhancing vis-à-vis FDI; while even with
lower than threshold absorptive capacity, outsourcing being welfare improving over FDI
is not ruled out. [Working Paper No. 140]
Author(s): Arti Grover | Posted on: Oct 11, 2010 | Views(1091) | Download (740)