The Transfer Paradox in a One-Sector Overlapping Generations Model

Published By: CDE on eSS | Published Date: August, 15 , 2007

This paper examines the effects of international income transfers on welfare and capital accumulation in a one-sector overlapping generations model. It is shown that a strong form of the transfer paradox-- in which the donor country experiences a welfare gain while the recipient country experiences a welfare loss—may occur both in and out of steady state. In addition, it is shown that a weak form of the transfer paradox—where either the donor or recipient (but not both) experience paradoxical welfare effects—may characterize all segments of the transition path not already characterized by the strong transfer paradox. The results are explained by the effects of transfers on world capital accumulation and the world interest rate, which imply secondary intertemporal welfare effects large enough to dominate the initial effects of the income transfer. [Working Paper No. 159]

Author(s): Partha Sen, Emily T. Cremers | Posted on: Sep 15, 2010 | Views(1196) | Download (571)

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