Determinants of Weekly Yields on Government Securities in India
Published By: CDE on eSS | Published Date: May, 13 , 2010This paper examines the determinants of the Government yields in India using weekly data from
April 2001 through March 2009. The analysis covers Treasury Bills with residual maturity of
15-91 days and Government securities of residual maturity one, five and ten years respectively.
The empirical estimates show that a long-run relationship exists between each of these interest
rates and the policy rate, rate of growth of money supply, inflation, interest rate spread, foreign
interest rate and forward premium. At the same time, the empirical results also show that the
relative importance of the determinants varies across the maturity spectrum. [Working Paper No. 187]
Author(s): Pami Dua, Nishita Raje | Posted on: Sep 13, 2010 | Views(1154) | Download (778)