Testing Unilateral and Bilateral Link Formation
Published By: BREAD on eSS | Published Date: July, 31 , 2009The literature has shown that network architecture depends crucially on whether links are
formed unilaterally or bilaterally, that is, on whether the consent of both nodes is required
for a link to be formed. They propose a test of whether network data is best seen as an
actual link or willingness to link and, in the latter case, whether this link is generated by an
unilateral o rbilateral link formation process. They illustrate this test using survey answers
to a risk-sharing question inTanzania. They find that the bilateral link formation model fits
the data better than the unilateral model, but the data are best interpreted as willingness
to link rather than an actual link. They then expand the model to include self-censoring and
find that models with self-censoring fit the data best. [Working Paper No. 236]
Author(s): Marcel Fafchamps, Margherita Comola | Posted on: Aug 31, 2010 | Views(943) | Download (986)