Propensity Score Matching Method in Quasi-Experimental Designs: An Approach to Program Evaluation of INHP-III
Published By: SAMBODHI on eSS | Published Date: August, 23 , 2010The experimental designs are generally considered as the robust evaluation methodologies
as there is random assignment. These are possible in clinical trials or in pilot phase of the
project but during the development phase due to ethical issues and resource constraints;
use of true experimental designs are not feasible in majority of development interventions as
use of experimental design entails creation of treatment and comparison group thereby
providing benefits to some and excluding others. It is unethical at program-level to provide
the benefits to few and leave others and thus, there is difficulty in construction of both
treatment and comparison at baseline. This makes attribution of observed outcomes and
impacts to program intervention very difficult. The task gets more difficult when there are no
baseline studies available. PSM offers one such alternative for addressing the concerns
comparison and attribution. This paper is based on the case of Endline Evaluation of INHP-
III where the Quasi-Experimental Design was employed using the PSM technique to
construct the ideal comparison match for the treatment groups. [Discussion Paper 3]
Author(s): Kaushal Deep Gakhar, Vidhu Kapur, Navneet Kaur | Posted on: Aug 23, 2010 | Views(1492) | Download (900)