A Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Interventions

Published By: SAMBODHI on eSS | Published Date: August, 12 , 2010

Climate change has become one of the most important global issues of our time, with far- reaching natural, socio- economic, and political impacts. In order to equip the community to deal with the effects of climate changes, various adaptation interventions have been furthered. However, efficacy of these interventions varies in terms of their ability to address specific climate change vulnerabilities of human populations and the natural and economic systems. To understand the efficacy of the interventions towards envisaged climate change results, rigorous monitoring and evaluation of these interventions becomes imperative both for ensuring efficiency, results, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions. With these considerations, programme logic model can be an appropriate overarching Monitoring & Evaluation Framework. This paper takes programme logic model as the starting point and describes key principles that need to be factored in developing a monitoring and evaluation framework for climate change adaptation projects. The projects draws upon good practices of various adaptation interventions across the globe to propose established guiding principles. [Discussion Paper No.5]

Author(s): Vidhi ., Parul Sharma | Posted on: Aug 12, 2010 | Views(952) | Download (1029)

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