Moving to Goods and Services Tax in India: Impact on India’s Growth and International Trade
Published By: NCAER on eSS | Published Date: June, 12 , 2010The differential multiple tax regime across sectors of production leads to distortions in
allocation of resources thus introducing inefficiencies in the sectors of domestic production.
With regard to India’s exports, this leads to lack of international competitiveness of the
sectors which would have been relatively efficient under distortion- free indirect tax regime.
Further, there is lack of full offsets of taxes loaded on to the fob export prices. Efficient
allocation of productive resources and providing full tax offsets is expected to result in gains for
GDP, returns to the factors of production and exports of the economy. Implementation of a
comprehensive goods and services tax (GST) is expected, ceteris paribus, to provide gains in
India’s GDP somewhere within a range of 0.9 to 1.7 per cent. It is expected that the real
returns to the factors of production would go up. [Working Paper No. 103]
Author(s): Rajesh Chadha | Posted on: Aug 12, 2010 | Views(1170) | Download (786)