Exchange Rate Arrangements For East Asia Post-Crisis: Examining The Case For Open Economy Inflation Targeting
Published By: IPS on eSS | Published Date: November, 30 , 2003The infeasibility of a monetary union for East Asia in the near future, as
well as the limitations of other forms of super fixes, appears to leave a flexible
regime as the only viable policy option. This paper first deliberates on the case
for and against a flexible regime. To anticipate the main conclusion -- while
favoring relatively more flexible regimes, emerging economies in East Asia and
elsewhere have continued to heavily manage their currencies despite being
officially described as “floaters”. The paper goes on to explore the case for and
operational mechanics behind an open inflation targeting regime which has
increasingly been advocated for small and open economies in East Asia and
elsewhere. The importance of incorporating the exchange rate in open economy
monetary policy rules is stressed.
Author(s): Ramkishen S. Rajan, Tony Cavoli | Posted on: Jul 30, 2010 | Views(1012) | Download (678)