European Views on Asia and Europe-Asian Relations

Published By: IPS on eSS | Published Date: August, 29 , 1998

This paper examines in its first part, the views of leading European academics, politicians, lobbyists and opinion-makers on the issue of relations with Asia. The second part of this paper looks at what might be done to improve the Asian side of things. Two measures are proposed. First, there must be an attempt at intellectual introspection, as to what might be presented as a credible set of Asian values. Most importantly, these values must come from within Asia, rather than being an attempt to show how Asia is different from the West. Second, armed with greater consensus, Asia must be willing to get involved, to carry out the international relations that are expected of the great power that it wants to be. This includes diversifying relations with other regions and specific attention towards keeping the US engaged in the Asian region through greater burden sharing. It is these steps that will make Asia a worthy partner for Europe and an equal player in Europe-Asia relations. [Working Paper No. 4]

Author(s): Venil Ramiah | Posted on: Jul 29, 2010 | Views(1114) | Download (716)

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