Social Protection Package for the Retrenched Workers of State-owned Enterprises: A quick Assessment

Published By: BRAC on eSS | Published Date: May, 28 , 2010

BRAC designed and implemented a project namely Kallyan project aiming to improve the quality of life of the retrenched workers of state-owned enterprises of Bangladesh. This study aimed to map the project’s cumulative achievements, and to assess its impact on the livelihood of the participant households. We conducted a critical review of the project’s performance for mapping the cumulative achievement on different targets, and conducted a survey on both the project participants and non-participants to analyze impacts of the project on the livelihood status of the participants. Besides, four case studies were carried out to reflect the qualitative changes taken place in the lives of the participants and barriers confronted. The review of project performance indicated that it was successful in achieving the initial targets. In some components such as employment generation, the project achievements far exceeded the targets. Impact assessment of the project showed that the participants experienced significant positive impacts on asset holding, per capita income, food security, and education. A comprehensive social protection package may be useful to facilitate socioeconomic well-being of the retrenched workers and their households. With some modifications the project can be scaled up to cover more target participants, who remained out of the project purview in Bangladesh. [Working Paper No. 10]

Author(s): Narayan Chandra Das, Nayma Qayum, Mehejabeen Khan, Fazlul Karim | Posted on: Jul 28, 2010 | Views(867) | Download (626)

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