Big Industry Before Independence: 1860-1950
Published By: CCS on eSS | Published Date: July, 16 , 2002The world over, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, private sector units were of a laissez-faire
variety i.e., the private sector was completely free of state interference. Private enterprises were units
owned and managed by individual proprietors and partnerships. Even in India, private business
houses in spite of many obstructions placed by the British government flourished and managed to
earn huge profits. This was also the era when government investment in industry was zero. Thus, in
this paper we try to analyse the rationale behind government investment in industry post
independence. At the beginning of the First World War, Europeans managing agency houses enjoyed
unchallenged supremacy in the private corporate sector of the Indian economy. At the end of the
Second World War this supremacy had been broken and Indian entrepreneurs, advancing by rapid
strides in the inter-war period, were now in a position to take over the business of the departing
British. [Working Paper No. 0025]
Author(s): Aoneha Tagore, Anupriya Singhal | Posted on: Jul 16, 2010 | Views(1046) | Download (4172)