Incentive Based Approaches for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emmissions : Issues And Prospects for India
Published By: CDE on eSS | Published Date: July, 07 , 2000As a consequence of the flexibility mechanisms incorporated in the Kyoto Protocol (KP), incentive-based policies
such as emissions trading and the clean development mechanism (CDM) are being widely discussed in the
context of greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement. Whether developing countries such as India will ratify the Protocol
or not and whether they will eventually take part in a global emissions trading system is something that will only
become clear as time passes. It is clear, however, that in either case these countries will be affected by any
global architecture for GHG abatement that emerges.[Working Paper No. 85]
Author(s): Shreekant Gupta | Posted on: Jul 07, 2010 | Views(1217) | Download (624)