A Perspective on Fisheries Sector Interventions for Livelihood Promotion

Published By: IIM-A on eSS | Published Date: February, 09 , 2010

The ultimate goal of this paper is to derive inspiration from Coase Theorem and the Japanese model of Keiretsu to empower the producers and suppliers of fish – namely, the fisher folk and to place them at the centre stage of control of rural entrepreneur-led private organizations, wherein the fisher community will not be deemed as mere consumers or vendors of fish, but will enter as dignified co-producer partners with significant shares in residual claim and residual control in those organizations.[W.P. No. 2010-02-03]

Author(s): Subho Biswas, Samar K. Datta, Srijan Pal Singh, Milindo Chakrabarti, Sah Bittu | Posted on: Jun 09, 2010 | Views(1272) | Download (778)

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