Labour and Trade Unions in the Financial Sector: Challenges and Perspectives in Contemporary Brazil
Published By: | Published Date: October, 06 , 2008The configuration of the liquid wealth involved a reorganization of society and the financial system with on labour and trade union organization in Brazil. The changes involved the redefinition of the profile of the bank and regulation standards with implications for the collective bargaining. These changes involved the reorganization of work in the financial sector according to the new investment trends organized through financial holding companies that turned out to exceed their operations in the traditional banks branches. Thus, the organization of the workers in the financial system no longer fits within the bank workers category. In this framework, the trade unions developed strategies of adaptation and resistance in order to maintain and expand the ability to represent the workers effectively. As a result, we must rethink the boundaries of the concept of category of workers and the possibilities of the new forms of workers representation in the financial system that could now be articulated in organizations based on their branch of activity.
Author(s): Jose Ricrado Goncalves, Jose Krein, Maria Alejandra Madi | Posted on: Jul 06, 2009 | Views(1359) | Download (84)