Where Are The Empty Thalis In Uttarakhand? : District Level Food Insecurity Analysis of Uttarakhand.

Published By: | Published Date: April, 16 , 2002

The primary focus of this paper is a remote sense mapping excercise to identify the food insecure parts in Uttarakhand, using official, secondary data. To mitigate the intrinsic weakness of such an effort, an attempt has been made to provide some ground truths from micro-studies. Thus, food insecurity is determined in terms of three broad aspects namely- availability, access and absorption.Data have been compiled for11 indicators for the 8 old districts of Uttarakhand.The authors also recommend programmes of community led natural resource management focusing on (1) felt needs of local population (2) reducing the drudgery in daily lives of women.

Author(s): Ravi Chopra | Posted on: Mar 05, 2009 | Views(1669) | Download (639)

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