The Interface Between Economic Development, Health and Environment in India : An Econometric Investigation

Published By: NIPFP on eSS | Published Date: October, 17 , 2008

This paper analyses interrelationships between ‘economic development’, ‘health’, and ‘environment’ in a simultaneous equations framework. The endogenous variables chosen for the model are GDPPC (per capita gross domestic product), LE (life expectancy), NOCRD (number of cases of respiratory diseases) and PM10 (respirable suspended particulate matter). The four endogenous variables are supposed to be jointly determined in terms of several exogenous variables represented through indices of physical infrastructure (PI), social infrastructure (SI) and air pollution index (API). The three indices by the principal components method and thus effectively use only these three predetermined (exogenous) variables to simultaneously determine changes in the four endogenous variables listed above. The model is postulated in loglinear form and estimated by the two-stage least-squares method using data from the Indian economy 1980-81 to 2004-05.

Author(s): A L Nagar, Amit Shovon Ray, Aparna Sawhney, Sayan Samanta | Posted on: Dec 17, 2008 | Views(2441) | Download (1306)

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