Nuclear Non-Proliferation from a Chinese Perspective

Published By: FES on ess | Published Date: August, 02 , 2008

Liping argues from a Chinese perspective for a continued role of the NPT as the main nuclear non proliferation mechanism, but also identifies its main shortfalls and conflicts of interest between major stakeholders. Liping proposes concrete measures to reform the non proliferation regime. He suggests that if the U.S. and Russia would reduce their nuclear warheads to 1,000 respectively, China and other nuclear-weapons states should join the process of nuclear disarmament. According to Liping, China supports the establishment of an internationalized multilaterally controlled nuclear fuel cycle and Beijing would not oppose the revision of Article X of the NPT Treaty. If the U.S. Senate ratifies the CTBT, he suggests the Chinese People’s Congress would ratify it soon.

Author(s): Xia Liping | Posted on: Sep 09, 2008 | Views(1631) | Download (950)

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