Who Funds the Act of Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Chittgaong Hill Tracks?

Published By: ACHR on ess | Published Date: June, 15 , 2005

Since 1978 Bangladesh government has been providing free food rations to plain settlers to sustain the conflict, make indigenous Jumma peoples a minority in the CHTs and eventually destroy their distinct identities. The providing of free rations only to the plain settlers constitutes an act of racial discrimination both under the Constitution of Bangladesh and under international human rights law. This programme sustains the conflict and many UN agencies and bilateral donors are unknowingly supporting this act of racism and racial discrimination. The government of Bangladesh must bring an end to such racist policies and practices and displacement of indigenous Jumma peoples.

Author(s): Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | Posted on: Aug 07, 2008 | Views(2390) | Download (774)

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