Narco Analysis, Torture and Democratic Rights

Published By: PUDR on eSS | Published Date: May, 14 , 2008

Narco-analysis was started almost seven years back in India, and was also accompanied by the increased use of lie-detection testing used on criminals. It was not taken up by human-rights organisations until 2007 when radical activists were arrested and subjected to narco-analysis. There are four components in the human right or legal definition of torture: the first that torture produces physical/mental suffering and is a degrading treatment. The second that it is always intentionally inflicted; the third that it is inflicted for certain purposes such as getting information, confession, etc., and the fourth that it is inflicted by an official actor oran actor acting on behalf of an official. In arco-analysis, all those four components are satisfied. Narco-analysis produces torture as clearly as the lethal injection produces death. Narco-analysis is eroding the very ethical core of the medical profession. [22nd Ramanadhan Memorial Meeting-PUDR]

Author(s): Amar Jesani | Posted on: May 14, 2008 | Views(3677) | Download (2993)

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