Trade, Trade Agreements and Subsidies: The Case of the Indian Apparel Industry
Published By: Indian Council for Research on International Econo | Published Date: October, 01 , 2018This paper presents India’s trade in apparel products by sub-sectors and key markets, and analyses its trade competitiveness across different sub-sectors. It examines the impact of trade agreements and receiving country policies on India’s apparel exports. It also analyses the issues faced by the apparel industry in India and compares India’s position vis-à-vis other apparel exporting countries, in terms of factors that can affect export competitiveness and efficiency. It tries to investigate the impact of subsidies prohibited under the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures on apparel exports from India. Based on this, it makes recommendations on how to design a comprehensive trade policy that will (a) enhance the export competitiveness of this sector (b) be WTO compliant and (c) ensure greater market access for Indian apparel exporters after trade agreements are signed.
Author(s): Arpita Mukherjee, Anusree Paul, Angana Parashar Sarma, Soham Sinha | Posted on: Feb 04, 2019 | Views() | Download (317)